Topic 14: Color Swap

This example demonstrates the color swap feature of WSE-2. CSL currently does not support color swap on WSE-3, and support is in development.

This program uses a row of four contiguous PEs. Two colors, red (color 0) and blue (color 1), are used. On all PEs, the routing associated with these colors receives from the WEST and sends down the RAMP and EAST. Additionally, for both colors, swap_color_x is set to true. Because these colors differ only in their lowest bit, when a red wavelet comes into a router from WEST, it leaves the router to the EAST as a blue wavelet, and vice versa.

The host code sends four wavelets along the color MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1 into the first PE. The WTT of MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1 forwards this data to color blue. When a PE receives a red wavelet, the task red_task is activated, and when a PE receives a blue wavelet, the task blue_task is activated.

Each PE program contains a global variable named sum, initialized to zero. When a red_task is activated by an incoming wavelet in_data, sum is incremented by an amount in_data. When a blue_task is activated by an incoming wavelet in_data, sum is incremented by an amount 2 * in_data.


// Color/ task ID map
//  ID var                ID var  ID var                ID var
//   0 red                 9      18                    27 reserved (memcpy)
//   1 blue               10      19                    28 reserved (memcpy)
//   2                    11      20                    29 reserved
//   3                    12      21 reserved (memcpy)  30 reserved (memcpy)
//   4                    13      22 reserved (memcpy)  31 reserved
//   5                    14      23 reserved (memcpy)  32
//   6 MEMCPY_H2D_DATA_1  15      24                    33
//   7                    16      25                    34
//   8                    17      26                    35

// ID for memcpy streaming color
param MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID: i16;

// number of PEs in kernel
param width: u16;

// Colors
const MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1: color = @get_color(MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID);
const red:              color = @get_color(0);
const blue:             color = @get_color(1);

const memcpy = @import_module("<memcpy/get_params>", .{
  .width = width,
  .height = 1,

layout {
  @set_rectangle(width, 1);

  for (@range(u16, width)) |pe_x| {

    const memcpy_params = memcpy.get_params(pe_x);

    @set_tile_code(pe_x, 0, "pe_program.csl", .{
      .memcpy_params = memcpy_params,
      .red = red,
      .blue = blue,

    const start = .{ .rx = .{ RAMP }, .tx = .{ RAMP, EAST }, .color_swap_x = true };
    const routes = .{ .rx = .{ WEST }, .tx = .{ RAMP, EAST }, .color_swap_x = true };
    const end = .{ .rx = .{ WEST }, .tx = .{ RAMP }, .color_swap_x = true };

    if (pe_x == 0) {
      // 1st PE receives data from streaming H2D, then forwards it to color "red"
      // (WTT(H2D) forwards data to color "blue", not color "red")
      @set_color_config(pe_x, 0, blue, .{ .routes = start });
      @set_color_config(pe_x, 0, red, .{ .routes = start });
    } else if (pe_x == width - 1) {
      @set_color_config(pe_x, 0, blue, .{ .routes = end });
      @set_color_config(pe_x, 0, red, .{ .routes = end });
    } else {
      @set_color_config(pe_x, 0, blue, .{ .routes = routes });
      @set_color_config(pe_x, 0, red, .{ .routes = routes });

  // export symbol name
  @export_name("sum", [*]u32, true);


param memcpy_params: comptime_struct;

const sys_mod = @import_module("<memcpy/memcpy>", memcpy_params);

// Colors
param red:  color;
param blue: color;

// Queue IDs
const blue_oq: output_queue = @get_output_queue(2);

// Task IDs
// Task ID for data task that recvs from memcpy
const h2d_task_id: data_task_id = @get_data_task_id(sys_mod.MEMCPYH2D_1);

// Task ID for data task red, consumes red wlts
const red_task_id: data_task_id = @get_data_task_id(red);

// Task ID for data task blue, consumes blue wlts
const blue_task_id: data_task_id = @get_data_task_id(blue);

// Single-elem array to hold sum of received wlts
var sum = @zeros([1]u32);
var ptr_sum: [*]u32 = &sum;

// Task that will be triggered by red wavelet
task red_task(in_data : u32) void {
  sum[0] += in_data;

// Task that will be triggered by blue wavelet
task blue_task(in_data : u32) void {
  sum[0] += in_data * 2;

var buf = @zeros([1]u32);
const buf_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{ .tensor_access = |i|{1} -> buf[i] });

// PEs 0, 2 activate blue task; 1, 3 activate red task.
const out_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{
  .extent = 1,
  .fabric_color = blue,
  .output_queue = blue_oq

// receive data from streaming H2D and forward it to color red
task wtt_h2d(data: u32) void {
  buf[0] = data;
  @mov16(out_dsd, buf_dsd, .{ .async = true, .unblock = h2d_task_id });

comptime {
  @bind_data_task(red_task, red_task_id);
  @bind_data_task(blue_task, blue_task_id);
  @bind_data_task(wtt_h2d, h2d_task_id);

  @export_symbol(ptr_sum, "sum");

#!/usr/bin/env cs_python

import argparse
import json
import numpy as np

from cerebras.sdk.runtime.sdkruntimepybind import SdkRuntime, MemcpyDataType # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from cerebras.sdk.runtime.sdkruntimepybind import MemcpyOrder # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--name', help='the test name')
parser.add_argument("--cmaddr", help="IP:port for CS system")
args = parser.parse_args()
dirname =

# Parse the compile metadata
with open(f"{dirname}/out.json", encoding="utf-8") as json_file:
  compile_data = json.load(json_file)
params = compile_data["params"]
MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1 = int(params["MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID"])
width = int(params["width"])
print(f"width = {width}")

memcpy_dtype = MemcpyDataType.MEMCPY_32BIT
runner = SdkRuntime(dirname, cmaddr=args.cmaddr)

sum_symbol = runner.get_id("sum")


num_elems = 5
x = np.arange(num_elems, dtype=np.uint32)

print("step 1: streaming H2D to 1st PE")
runner.memcpy_h2d(MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1, x, 0, 0, 1, 1, num_elems, \
    streaming=True, data_type=memcpy_dtype, order=MemcpyOrder.COL_MAJOR, nonblock=True)

print("step 2: copy mode D2H buf")
result = np.zeros(width, np.uint32)
runner.memcpy_d2h(result, sum_symbol, 0, 0, width, 1, 1, \
    streaming=False, data_type=memcpy_dtype, order=MemcpyOrder.COL_MAJOR, nonblock=False)


# In order, the host streams in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 from the West.
# Red tasks add values to running global sum on its PE.
# Blue tasks add 2*values to running global sum on its PE.
# PEs 0, 2 activate blue task; 1, 3 activate red task.
# Final value of sum var on even PEs will be: 20
# Final value of sum var on odd PEs will be: 10
oracle = np.zeros([width], dtype=np.uint32)
for i in range(width):
  oracle[i] = ((i+1) % 2 + 1) * num_elems * (num_elems-1) / 2

# Assert that all values of 'sum' are as expected
np.testing.assert_equal(result, oracle)

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

cslc --arch=wse2 ./layout.csl --fabric-dims=11,3 \
--fabric-offsets=4,1 -o out  \
--params=width:4 \
--params=MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID:6 \
--memcpy --channels=1 --width-west-buf=0 --width-east-buf=0
cs_python --name out