SDK Release Notes

The following are the release notes for the Cerebras SDK.

Version 1.2.0

Released 28 June 2024


The Cerebras Wafer-Scale Cluster appliance running Cerebras ML Software 2.2 supports SDK 1.1. See here for SDK 1.1 documentation.

The Cerebras Wafer-Scale Cluster appliance running Cerebras ML Software 2.3 supports SDK 1.2, the current version of SDK software.

New features and enhancements

  • CSL language and compiler enhancements:

    • Introduces inline for-loops, which are unrolled at compile time. The body of an inline for-loop may assign to a comptime variable. For example:

      fn length(comptime array: anytype) comptime_int {
        comptime var result = 0;
        // This loop will be inlined.
        inline for (array) |v| {
          result += 1;
        return result;
    • Introduces the @queue_flush and @set_empty_queue_handler builtin for WSE-3. See @queue_flush.

    • Runtime on_control values in DSD operations are now supported. For example:

      fn f(out: fabout_dsd, in: fabin_dsd, act_id: local_task_id) void {
        @fmovh(out, in, .{
               .async = true, .on_control = .{ .activate = act_id }});
    • Improves void type semantics, enabling optionally specified module parameters and function arguments.

    • Significantly improves compile times for large programs. Compilation time for full-wafer programs may be improved as much as 10x.

  • CSL library enhancements:

    • Introduces a <simprint> library for runtime debug printing to the simulator log. See <simprint>.

    • Introduces a <control> library for creating control wavelet payloads. See <control>.

    • Introduces a <message_passing> library for WSE-3 point-to-point communication. See <message_passing>.

    • Introduces the queue_flush module within the <tile_config> library for WSE-3, which can be used for querying when a queue is flushed and to exit the flushed state. See queue_flush.

    • Adds WSE-3 support to the collectives_2d library.

  • SdkRuntime host runtime enhancements:

    • Adds WSE-3 support for memcpy streaming mode.

  • Example programs:

    • Reorganizes and updates all tutorial example programs with WSE-3 support.

    • Introduces two new tutorial examples for switches, demonstrating use of the <control> library. See Topic 6: Switches and Topic 7: Switches and Control Entrypoints.

    • Introduces a new tutorial example to demonstrate the <simprint> library. See Topic 13: Simprint Library.

    • Introduces a new tutorial example to demonstrate color swapping on WSE-2. See Topic 14: Color Swap.

    • Adds WSE-3 support to the wide-multiplication, residual, mandelbrot, gemv-collectives_2d, gemv-checkerboard-pattern, gemm-collectives_2d, stencil-3d-7pts, bicgstab, conjugateGradient, preconditionedConjugateGradient, and powerMethod benchmark example programs.

Resolved issues

  • Adds memcpy streaming support for WSE-3.

  • Adds WSE-3 support for the <collectives_2d> library.

  • Fixes potential bug in the <collectives_2d> library related to reconfiguring the library’s colors.

  • Fixes potential bug in the <memcpy> library related to reconfiguring the library’s colors.

Known issues

  • The 25-pt-stencil, histogram-torus, and spmv-hypersparse benchmark examples are not yet supported on WSE-3.

  • The SDK GUI is not yet supported on WSE-3.

  • The bandwidth of memory transfers saturates at around 8 IO channels.


  • The deprecated @get_color_id builtin to get the numerical value of a color is now removed. Use @get_int instead.

  • Use of @get_color on any ID other than a routable color ID is no longer supported.

  • tile_config.reg_ptr has been removed. Use @get_config and @set_config for direct manipulation of config space addresses.

Version 1.1.0

Released 10 April 2024

This version of the Cerebras SDK is the first with experimental support for the WSE-3, the third generation Cerebras architecture. The WSE-3 is the wafer-scale processor powering the CS-3 Cerebras system.


The Cerebras Wafer-Scale Cluster appliance running Cerebras ML Software 2.0 supports SDK 0.9. See here for SDK 0.9 documentation.

The Cerebras Wafer-Scale Cluster appliance running Cerebras ML Software 2.1 supports SDK 1.0. See here for SDK 1.0 documentation.

The Cerebras Wafer-Scale Cluster appliance running Cerebras ML Software 2.2 supports SDK 1.1, the current version of SDK software.

New features and enhancements

  • CSL language and compiler enhancements:

    • Introduces initial support for WSE-3.

    • Introduces ut_id type and @get_ut_id builtin for representing microthread IDs. This feature is WSE-3 only.

    • Introduces runtime @get_config and @set_config support.

    • Introduces i64 and u64 types, and support in <math>, <debug>, and <malloc> libraries. Like i8 and u8, these types are not allowed in memory DSD tensors or @map, nor as arguments to tasks.

  • CSL memcpy library enhancements:

    • memcpy/get_params no longer requires specifying a LAUNCH color for host kernel launch support.

    • The @rpc builtin is no longer necessary for host kernel launch support. The RPC server is now created internally.

  • Other CSL library enhancements:

    • Introduces reset_tsc_counter() function in <time> library to clear timestamp counter.

    • enable_tsc() function in <time> library now automatically clears timestamp counter.

    • Introduces color_config and switch_config modules within <tile_config> library for target-independent runtime manipulation of color and switch configurations.

    • The <tally> library has been updated to support WSE-3. The library API has been updated to require specification of both input and output queues. On WSE-2, the two input queus can be the same as the output queues, but on WSE-3, they must be different. See <tally>.

  • Example programs:

    • GEMV tutorials 1 through 8 have been updated to support WSE-2 and WSE-3.

    • cholesky, FFT, bandwidthTest, and single-tile-matvec programs have been updated to support WSE-2 and WSE-3.

    • Introduces example program to demonstrate WSE-3 features for separation of queue IDs from microthread IDs for asynchronous operations. See Topic 13: WSE-3 Microthreads.

  • Documentation improvements:

  • Appliance mode enhancements:

    • Introduces a new SdkLauncher class which allows users to stage data onto the appliance before running, and run with the same host code Python script used when running with the Singularity container. This class is particularly useful when transferring large amounts of data onto and off of the CS system. See Running SDK on a Wafer-Scale Cluster.

    • Separates SDK appliance mode functionality into a cerebras.sdk Python module.


  • Deprecated function teardown.get_color() in <tile_config> library has been removed. Use teardown.get_task_id() instead.

  • Deprecated @bind_task builtin has been removed. Use @bind_control_task, @bind_data_task, or @bind_local_task instead.

  • Deprecated use of color in @activate, .activate, on-control .activate, FIFO .activate_push, and FIFO .activate_pop is now an error. Use local_task_id instead.

  • Use of integers as queue IDs is now an error. Use input_queue_id and output_queue_id types instead.

Resolved issues

  • Fixed bug in which an if expression assigned to a variable where both branches’ values are comptime known, but the condition is not, would crash the compiler.

  • Fixed bug where <time> library would occasionally incorrectly read the timestamp counter.

  • Fixed bug where DSD operations in which the first operand is a 32-bit scalar could crash at runtime.

  • Fixed bug where runtime-determined color, input_queue, or output_queue in @get_dsd config would crash the compiler.

  • Fixed bug where .input_queue DSD config field would allow output_queue values and vice versa.

  • The 1D FFT example program now compiles for Nz >= 256.

Known issues

  • WSE-3 support is currently experimental. Users may encounter bugs while running WSE-3 programs.

  • memcpy streaming mode is not yet supported on WSE-3.

  • The <collectives_2d> library is not yet supported on WSE-3.

  • Only GEMV tutorials 1 through 8 are currently supported on WSE-3.

  • The SDK GUI is not yet supported on WSE-3.

  • The bandwidth of memory transfers saturates at around 8 IO channels.

Notes for future releases

  • Use of @get_color on any ID other than a routable color ID will be removed in a future release.

Version 1.0.0

Released 13 November 2023


The Cerebras Wafer-Scale Cluster appliance running Cerebras ML Software 2.0 supports SDK 0.9. For SDK 0.9 documentation, see here.

New features and enhancements

  • CSL language and compiler enhancements:

    • Introduces the data_task_id, local_task_id, and control_task_id types, to explicitly differentiate the three types of tasks. Values of these types are created via the new @get_data_task_id, @get_local_task_id, and @get_control_task_id builtins, respectively. @get_data_task_id generates a task ID from a routable color, while @get_local_task_id and @get_control_task_id generate task IDs from an integer within the range of allowed IDs. See Task Identifiers and Task Execution for more information on the new task type system.

    • Introduces the @bind_data_task, @bind_local_task, and @bind_control_task builtins for binding tasks to the corresponding task ID type. Data tasks must take either one or two arguments (corresponding to the contents of a wavelet’s payload), and local tasks must take no arguments.

    • Colors which are used by a fabin_dsd to receive data and are not explicitly bound to a task no longer need to be blocked at compile time. The initial state of a data_task_id not explicitly bound to a task is now blocked.

    • Introduces the @get_int builtin to return the numerical value of values of type data_task_id, control_task_id, local_task_id, color, input_queue, and output_queue, as well as values of any enum or integer type. @get_color_id is now deprecated.

    • @activate builtin and .activate field of builtins on DSDs now take values of type local_task_id as an argument. Using @activate or the .activate field on a value of type color is now deprecated.

    • .activate_pop and .activate_push fields of FIFOs now take values of type local_task_id as an argument. Using these fields on a value of type color is now deprecated.

    • @block and @unblock builtins and .unblock field of builtins on DSDs now take values of type local_task_id or data_task_id as arguments.

    • The @rpc builtin now takes values of type data_task_id. It no longer accepts values of type color.

    • Introduces the cslc compiler flag --warnings-as-errors, to treat compiler warnings as errors.

    • cslc compiler script which launches container to run the compiler now reads CSL_IMPORT_PATH environment variable to search additional paths for @import_module.

  • CSL memcpy library enhancements:

    • The memcpy library has been rewritten to use the new task ID types.

  • Other CSL library enhancements:

    • collectives_2d library has been rewritten to use the new task ID types.

  • SdkRuntime host runtime enhancements:

    • Introduces new functionality in the sdk_utils module to simplify data type transformations for memcpy_h2d() and memcpy_d2h() calls.

    • Introduces new functionality in the sdk_utils module to process elapsed timestamp data.

    • Introduces suppress_simfab_trace option in the SdkRuntime constructor to suppress generation of simfab_traces files when running.

  • Example programs:

    • Example programs have been reorganized, renumbered, and updated.

    • Introduces three new example programs in the GEMV series, demonstrating more complex communication patterns.

    • Introduces a series of pipelining example programs to demonstrate the use of memcpy streaming mode to create a computation pipeline on the WSE.

  • Documentation improvements:

    • Introduces new documentation on debugging CSL programs. See Debugging Guide.

    • Expands installation documentation to include Apptainer for running the SDK container. See Installation and Setup.

  • Appliance mode enhancements:

    • For Cerebras Wafer-Scale Clusters running Cerebras ML Software 2.1, the SdkCompiler::compile function now expects an artifact output path, and the function returns a compile artifact path instead of an artifact ID. The compile artifacts are now by default copied back to the user node when compilation finishes.


  • Support for CSELFRunner has now been fully removed. All programs should use the SdkRuntime host runtime.

  • The call() function in the SdkRuntime Python host API has been deprecated. Use launch() instead, which includes argument type checking.

  • cslc no longer accepts --channels=0 when compiling, as this setting corresponded to CSELFRunner memcpy support.

  • The @get_color_id and @bind_task builtins have been deprecated.

  • Using values of type color with the @activate builtin or the .activate, .activate_pop, and .activate_push fields has been deprecated.

  • The @rpc builtin no longer accepts values of type color. Values of type data_task_id must be used instead.

Known issues

  • The bandwidth of memory transfers saturates at around 8 IO channels.

  • When a DSD operation uses an explicit fabin DSR, the compiler does not bind the color to the associated input queue at runtime. Instead, the user has to bind the color to the input queue explicitly via @initialize_queue. See pe.csl in stencil-3d-7pts for an example.

  • The 1D FFT example program may fail to compile if Nz >= 256, triggering an internal compiler exception.

Notes for future releases

  • Using the @bind_task builtin to bind a task to a color is now deprecated. This builtin will be removed in a future release. Use @bind_data_task for wavelet-triggered data tasks, @bind_local_task for self-activated tasks, and @bind_control_task for control wavelet-triggered tasks.

  • Using the @get_color_id builtin to get the numerical value of a color is now deprecated. This builtin will be removed in a future release. Use @get_int instead.

  • Using the @activate builtin on a color is now deprecated. The ability to do this will be removed in a future release.

Version 0.9.0

Released 2 October 2023

New features and enhancements

  • CSL language and compiler enhancements:

    • @get_tensor_ptr is now legal in code that contains no exported symbols, and will compile. If @get_tensor_ptr is executed at runtime when no symbols have been exported, then an assert(false) will be hit.

    • Introduces @has_exported_tensors builtin, which evaluates to true at comptime if the program contains any exported tensors.

    • Introduces extern keyword. The extern storage class declares that a symbol for a variable or function is expected to be defined in an export declaration elsewhere. See Storage Classes.

    • Introduces export keyword. The export storage class defines a variable or function with a certain name and type, and makes that variable or function available to other object files that are linked with the object being compiled. See Storage Classes.

    • Introduces linkname keyword, which can be used to specify the name of the ELF symbol corresponding to the variable. See Syntax of CSL.

    • Introduces support for function pointers. See Syntax of CSL.

    • Introduces new FIFO DSR types dsr_fifo_dest and dsr_fifo_src, which allow FIFOs to be used with explicit DSRs. See Data Structure Registers.

    • The bool type is no longer allowed with the @zeros builtin. @constants should be used instead to initialize an array with false.

    • Bitwise not operator ~ is no longer allowed on the bool type.

    • Logical not operator ! is no longer allowed on integer types.

    • Compiler diagnostics for circular dependencies have been improved.

  • CSL memcpy library enhancements:

    • The memcpy framework reserves two DSRs, dsr_dest 0 and dsr_src1 0, to enable improved performance and reduce resource usage. The user should avoid using these explicit DSRs.

    • The .data_type field is no longer needed when importing memcpy to support copy mode.

  • Other CSL library enhancements:

    • The collectives_2d library has been rewritten to use explicit DSRs, enabling improved performance and reducing resource usage. By default, the library uses dsr_dest, dsr_src0, and dsr_src1 IDs 1 and 2, for the X and Y dimensions, respectively, but can be configured to use other IDs when imported.

    • The input and output queue IDs of collectives_2d are also now configurable when imported. By default, the X dimension uses queues 2 and 4, and the Y dimension uses queues 3 and 5.

    • The tile_config library contains a new exceptions submodule, which can be used to unmask exceptions. See <tile_config>.

  • SdkRuntime host runtime additions:

    • Introduces an sdk_utils library which includes utility functions to prepare data sent with memcpy_h2d and process data received from memcpy_d2h. See SdkRuntime API Reference.

  • Example programs additions:

    • Adds SdkRuntime versions of gemv-checkerboard-pattern and gemv-collectives, which implement two different approaches for computing GEMV. See GEMV with Checkerboard Pattern and GEMV with Collective Communications.

    • Adds SdkRuntime version of cholesky, which computes the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite matrix. See Cholesky.

    • Adds additional SdkRuntime tutorial example programs, including demos of sparse tensor operations, switches, filters, FIFOs, and the @map builtin.

    • See the csl-examples GitHub repository for more example programs, including a 1D and 2D FFT, histogram-torus, mandelbrot, and wide-multiplication.

  • Documentation improvements:

    • Introduces additional documentation on the SdkRuntime Python host API, including the new sdk_utils library. See SdkRuntime API Reference.

Resolved issues

  • Fixes crash when compiling pointer to array of non-scalars.

  • Fixes crash when compiling pointer coercion from multidimensional array to 1D pointer of unknown size.

  • Fixes LLVM backend bug which previously produced incorrect addresses in certain circumstances, resulting in “Invalid address” errors in the simulator. This in particular could cause issues with the collectives_2d library.

  • Fixes behavior of CSL math library’s isSignaling(x) for checking if x is a signaling NaN.

  • Fixes a bug where programs using collectives_2d stall if the width or height of the core rectangle is greater than 160 PEs.

  • The simulator can now support programs with height greater than 256 PEs.

  • csdb has been fixed to correctly read core dumps from SDK programs.

Known issues

  • The Singularity image may fail to work on Debian-based Linux distributions. The image works best with a Fedora-based distribution such as Red Hat or Rocky.

  • The bandwidth of memory transfers saturates at around 8 IO channels.

  • When a DSD operation uses an explicit fabin DSR, the compiler does not bind the color to the associated input queue at runtime. Instead, the user has to bind the color to the input queue explicitly via @initialize_queue. See pe.csl in stencil-3d-7pts for an example.

Notes for future releases

  • The CSELFRunner host runtime has been deprecated. It will be completely removed in a future release.

Version 0.8.0

Released 21 June 2023

New features and enhancements

  • Introduces support for Cerebras Wafer-Scale Clusters running in appliance mode. This support is limited to Python host code using the SdkRuntime host runtime, and only one SDK compile or execute job can be launched at a time, using no more than one Cerebras system. See Running SDK on a Wafer-Scale Cluster.

  • CSL language and compiler enhancements:

    • Introduces @get_output_queue builtin for creating output queue types. Using integers for output queue IDs is now deprecated and produces a warning.

    • Introduces additional improvements and enhancements to internal builtins for supporting remote procedure calls (RPCs).

    • Introduces improved error handling for type casts using the @as builtin.

    • @load_to_dsr now allow runtime determined colors in the @activate and @unblock fields.

    • The grammar of inititialize_queue has been updated. Previously, inititializing a queue with ID queue_id on color color_id took the form @initialize_queue(queue_id, color_id);. The new syntax is @initialize_queue(queue_id, .{.color = color_id});.

  • CSL memcpy library enhancements:

    • The memcpy library can now support multiple types in the same kernel. The user still needs to import memcpy.csl with the .data_type = field. The semantic meaning of .data_type is to enable copy mode for the host runtime.

  • SdkRuntime host runtime enhancements:

    • Introduces a debug_utils library which includes get_symbol, get_symbol_rect, and read_trace, providing parity with CSELFRunner’s debug support. Note that this library is available for simulator runs only.

    • Introduces a launch function, which features type checking and a variable number of arguments for kernel launches with the RPC mechanism. The legacy memcpy_launch function has been deprecated, and users should use launch instead.

    • memcpy_d2h and memcpy_h2d now feature dimension and data type checking for the host tensor.

    • The bandwidth of D2H transfers is greatly improved for systems running in weight streaming mode.

  • Benchmark programs additions:

    • Adds spmv-hypersparse to demonstrate a hypersparse matrix-vector multiplication. See spmv-hypersparse.

    • Adds stencil-3d-7pts to demonstrate a sparse matrix-vector product using a matrix generated by a finite difference seven-point stencil. See stencil-3d-7pts.

    • Adds bicgstab, powerMethod, conjugateGradient, and preconditionedConjugateGradient to demonstrate iterative methods on a seven-point stencil. See BiCGSTAB, Power Method, Conjugate Gradient, and Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient.

    • Adds single-tile-matvec, which benchmarks the performance of single-PE matrix-vector products in terms of aggregate wafer memory bandwidth and FLOPS. See Single Tile Matvec.

  • Documentation improvements:

    • Introduces new tutorials for SdkRuntime built around computing a GEMV.

    • Introduces additional documentation on the SdkRuntime Python host API. See SdkRuntime API Reference.

Resolved issues

  • When using SdkRuntime, a nonblocking memcpy_d2h before stop() no longer triggers a segmentation fault.

  • Programs using SdkRuntime now load correctly in the SDK GUI.

Known issues

  • The bandwidth of memory transfers saturates at around 8 IO channels.

  • When a DSD operation uses an explicit fabin DSR, the compiler does not bind the color to the associated input queue at runtime. Instead, the user has to bind the color to the input queue explicitly via @initialize_queue.

Notes for future releases

  • The CSELFRunner host runtime has been deprecated. It will be completely removed in a future release.

Version 0.7.0

Released 17 April 2023

New features and enhancements

  • CSL language and compiler enhancements:

    • Introduces @set_teardown_handler builtin which virtualizes the teardown task and allows for separate definitions of teardown operations for different colors.

    • Introduces @rpc builtin which automatically generates RPC interpreter for exported functions. Used with the call host function added to SdkRuntime. Note that exported symbols may not have struct or enum types, and exported function may have at most 15 parameters.

    • Introduces @get_input_queue builtin for creating input queue types. Using integers for input queue IDs is now deprecated and produces a warning.

    • Variables now have a linksection attribute. With the --link-section-address-bytes flag, this allows global variables to be placed at a specific address.

    • Introduces control_transform field for DSDs to transform the index portion of control wavelets.

    • Introduces @dfilt builtin which instructs an input queue to drop all data wavelets until a certain number of control wavelets are encountered.

    • DSD .activate field now allows a runtime-determined color value.

    • Deprecated color config syntax has been removed.

    • Compiler task table packing optimization increases performance of small tasks.

  • CSL library enhancements:

    • tile_config library introduces control_transform submodule to set mask when transforming index portion of control wavelets.

    • collectives_2d library now uses the virtualized teardown task, allowing for interoperability with programs that use memcpy and the SdkRuntime host runtime.

  • SdkRuntime host runtime enhancements:

    • SdkRuntime introduces a call function to greatly simplify kernel launches with the RPC mechanism. Functions exported in device code with the @rpc builtin are now directly host-callable.

    • memcpy library now supports 16-bit for copy mode.

    • memcpy library now reserves color 27 to deliver better performance.

    • Both copy and streaming mode now support 16-bit data. Note that in streaming mode, the MemcpyDataType parameter in memcpy_h2d and memcpy_d2h host calls has no effect, and the user must handle the data appropriately in the receiving wavelet-triggered task.

    • The memcpy_h2d and memcpy_d2h host functions take an argument to specify the packing of the 3D input/output tensor into a 1D array, either row-major or column-major. The column-major option improves bandwidth of data transfers when the host data is packed in that order.

    • The memcpy_h2d and memcpy_d2h host functions have new function signatures to better handle the increased number of transfer type arguments. These are passed in a struct in the C++ interface, or as required kwargs in the Python interface. This release supports the following options:

      • DataType: (new option) 16-bit or 32-bit

      • Order: (new option) row-major or column-major

      • streaming: true or false

      • nonblock: true or false

    • The runtime can seamlessly aggregate consecutive nonblocking memcpy_h2d calls, improving the bandwidth of bursts of small transfers.

  • Benchmark programs additions and enhancements:

    • Adds bandwidthTest to benchmark data transfer performance between host and device. See Bandwidth Test.

    • Adds a version of gemm-collectives_2d using SdkRuntime, which showcases the interoperability of the collectives_2d library with memcpy. See GEMM with Collective Operations.

    • Benchmark programs written with SdkRuntime and using the RPC mechanism to launch device kernels have been rewritten to use call in the host code and the @rpc builtin in the device code, greatly reducing the complexity of the programs.

  • Documentation improvements:

    • Example programs have been reorganized into CSELFRunner and SdkRuntime sections, to clearly differentiate programs by their host runtime.

    • Adds appendix to describe SIMD operations on DSDs. See SIMD Mode.

    • Adds five tutorial example programs using SdkRuntime, mirroring those written to use CSELFRunner.

    • Adds improved documentation on SdkRuntime and its host API.

Resolved issues

  • Runtime expressions with comptime-only types in comparisons no longer crash the compiler.

  • comptime switch expressions can now switch on comptime_int.

  • Binding more than one task to the same color now produces a compiler error.

  • Compiler now checks that dimensionality of a tensor access expression does not exceed max dimensionality of type.

Known issues

  • Programs using the SdkRuntime host runtime may fail to load in the sdk-gui when invoked with sdk_debug_shell visualize.

  • The bandwidth of D2H (device to host) memory transfers using memcpy are about 7x to 8x slower than H2D (host to device).

  • The bandwidth of memory transfers saturates at around 8 IO channels.

  • When a DSD operation uses an explicit fabin DSR, the compiler does not bind the color to the associated input queue at runtime. Instead, the user has to bind the color to the input queue explicitly via @initialize_queue.

  • When using SdkRuntime, if the last call before stop() is a nonblocking memcpy_d2h, then stop() may trigger a segmentation fault.

Notes for future releases

  • The CSELFRunner runtime will be deprecated in a future release. Code should be ported to the SdkRuntime runtime.

  • Using integers for input queue IDs is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Version 0.6.0

Released 22 December 2022

New features and enhancements

  • Compile times are improved due to enhanced caching support.

  • Introduces a new host-side runtime, SdkRuntime, with greatly improved host-to-device and device-to-host data transfer performance.

    • Supports host-to-device (H2D) copy to a device CSL variable address (memcpy_h2d), device-to-host (D2H) copy from a device CSL variable address (memcpy_d2h), and launch of CSL device kernels (memcpy_launch).

    • See Host Runtime and Tensor Streaming for more details. For examples using the new API, see Residual and 25-Point Stencil.

  • The legacy runtime, CSELFRunner, now supports host-to-device and device-to-host copy using the memcpy API.

  • CSL language enhancements:

    • Support for normal-mode FIFOs.

    • Introduces explicit DSRs, providing a more efficient way to execute DSD operations.

    • Initial RPC (remote procedure call) support, with a mechanism for host-device communication using shared symbols.

    • Additional support for DSD-to-scalar operations.

    • Support for setting task and microthread priority at comptime and runtime.

    • Improved assertion failure messages in @comptime_assert.

    • The .unblock DSD field can now be used at runtime and comptime.

  • CSL library enhancements:

    • Introduces collectives_2d library, which implements MPI-like communication primitives over rows or columns of PEs.

    • New generic API for math libraries.

    • Introduces directions library, which provides utility functions for manipulating directions.

    • Adds efficient implementations of sin_f16 and cos_f16.

    • Adds issignaling_f16 and issignaling_f32, which check for signalling NaN.

    • A new version of the memcpy library supports copies to/from address, and updates to support new runtime. See Residual and 25-Point Stencil examples.

  • cs_readelf improvements:

    • Adds --visualize command line option for drawing ASCII art representation of PE populations. See --help information for details.

    • All addresses (both command line option inputs and printed outputs) are now in byte (8-bit) units instead of word (16-bit) units.

  • New benchmark programs:

    • Dense Cholesky decomposition.

    • Hadamard product, demonstrating selective batched execution mode.

    • GEMV with collective communications, demonstrating the collectives_2d library.

  • Documentation improvements:

    • Adds a new introductory tutorials section to provide step-by-step instruction for learning CSL. See Tutorials.

    • Adds new example demonstrating the use of the debug library for tracing values at runtime.

    • Adds sections on generics and DSRs. See Generics and Data Structure Registers.

Resolved issues

  • Relative paths are now handled correctly when importing code files as modules.

Known issues

  • The copy mode of memcpy only supports 32-bit data. To copy 16-bit data to the device, streaming mode must be used instead.

  • If there are two device-to-host (D2H) memcpy calls in a non-blocking sequence, and the first D2H is non-blocking, then the run can stall, especially when using back-to-back D2H calls. To avoid this risk, the user must use blocking D2H calls instead.

Notes for future releases

  • The CSELFRunner runtime will be deprecated in a future release. Code should be ported to the SdkRuntime runtime.

Version 0.5.1

Released 27 September 2022

New features and enhancements

  • An optional new implementation for tensor streaming is available. The new implementation is described in Host Runtime and Tensor Streaming, along with instructions for porting kernels to use the new implementation. Two new CSL code examples, Residual and 25-Point Stencil, are provided for reference.

  • The SDK GUI has introduced new features, detailed in SDK GUI. Major new features include:

    • Updated display of routing.

    • Addition of instruction tracing in the timeline.

  • CSL language enhancements:

    • Runtime support for named struct types.

    • switch support.

    • comptime and anytype function argument support.

    • comptime_string support.

    • Either color or task can now be used for DSD config operations.

  • CSL library enhancements:

    • Initial complex number support.

    • Runtime support for finding the position of the running PE within the rectangle.

Version 0.4.0

Released 29 April 2022

New features and enhancements

  • New CLI tool csdb introduced. csdb currently supports debugging on hardware and will eventually support simulation debugging.

  • New CLI tool cs_readelf introduced.

  • As of 0.3.1, the numbers in the ELF binary names do NOT correspond to PE coordinates.

  • To access prior versions of SDK documentation, please email

Known issues

  • In the SDK GUI timeline view, clicking multiple PEs on the grid in quick succession may result in a JSON error. To avoid this error, please wait for the timeline to load before clicking the next PE. If you see this error for a PE, click a different PE, allow the timeline to load, and then click the original PE again.

  • If you launch csdb and type ctrl+x, the container will lock up and prevent further action. If this happens, you must exit and re-launch your terminal session.

  • cslc --help returns options for cslc-driver, which are very similar tools, but not exactly the same. Please note that some options listed may not be available in cslc.

Notes for future releases

  • csdb CLIs will replace sdk_debug_shell CLIs in a future release. sdk_debug_shell will be deprecated.

  • Content under CSL Code Examples will be move to the csl-examples GitHub repository in a future release. Please let us know if you need access to this repository by emailing

Version 0.3.1

Released 25 February 2022

New features and enhancements

  • Compile time is faster now due to caching improvements.

  • Support for FIFOs is added. See Data Structure Descriptors for documentation and @allocate_fifo in Builtins.

    • See Topic 9: FIFOs for an example showing how to use @allocate_fifo.

  • Support for switching and filtering is added. With this feature, you can specify the routing configuration for a specific color at a specific processing element (PE). This can be done in a layout block (@set_color_config) or in a processing element’s top-level comptime block (@set_local_color_config). See Builtins for documentation.

  • Support for microthreads is added. See Data Structure Descriptors for documentation.

  • Library support is added. See Libraries for a full list of supported library functions.

  • Added the following built-ins. See Builtins for a full list of supported built-ins.

    • @set_dsd_base_addr

    • @random16

    • @is_same_type

    • @is_comptime

  • Compile time floating point constants are now automatically type-casted as needed. So, instead of @as(f32, 1.0) (see Builtins) or @as(f16, 1.0), simply write 1.0.

  • Runtime floating point constants no longer default to type f16 but to comptime_float. If you want a runtime variable, you now need to explicitly specify the desired type of that variable. For example, instead of var x = 0.0; (wrong), write var x: f16 = 0.0;.

  • Adds support for setting the state of the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG).

  • Adds support for using general purpose registers (GPRs) as destination for DSD operations:

    var result: f16 = 1.0;
    const buffer = [3]f16 {100.0, 250.0, 349.0};
    task fooTask() void {
      const dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{ .tensor_access = |i|{3} -> buffer[i] });
      @faddh(&result, result, dsd);
  • Asynchronous DSD operations must have at least one fabric DSD operand. Non-compliant code will now trigger an error message.

  • Adds support for the dot operator to access members of structs. Implemented for compile time only.

  • Colors can now be compared using == and != operators.

  • DSD operations, for example, add16, now support unsigned integer operands.

  • A new --verbose compiler flag shows progress.

Requirements and unsupported features

  • The SDK requires that the overlay filesystem functionality is available on your Linux system.

  • This SDK is supported only on Linux systems.

  • There are no guarantees for forward- or backward-compatibility for this release.

  • The SDK does not support running external Python scripts in the Singularity container.

  • The SDK only supports running the versions of packages provided in the Singularity container.

Resolved issues

  • Fixes a bug that prevented unit innermost dimension loops in mem4d_dsds.

  • Fixes a bug so that mem4d_dsds is now allowed to set the wavelet_index_offset bit.

  • Compile time and runtime semantics of set_dsd_base_addr (see Builtins) were different. This is fixed and now they are the same.

Known issues

  • When using the SDK GUI, via sdk_debug_shell visualize --artifact_dir command, if the artifacts in the artifact directory change, then the SDK GUI will continue to show the old artifact data in a cache. To view the new artifacts, restart the SDK GUI by running the command sdk_debug_shell visualize --artifact_dir.

  • When you run the command sdk_debug_shell visualize --artifact_dir to invoke the SDK GUI, you will see the following error message. This message can be safely ignored.

    $ sdk_debug_shell visualize --artifact_dir /cb/cold/user1/sandbox/sdk_tool_rel-0.3.1/residual
    WARNING:cerebras.common.decorators:Call to deprecated function EnumFiles
    WARNING:root: . is not a valid workdir.
    ERROR:root:plan.meta not found in current directory or subdirectories.
    ERROR:root:No entries will be displayed.
    Click this link to open URL:  http://user1:8000/?session_id=12b77f285e
    Click this link to open URL:  http://172.xx.51.216:8000/?session_id=12b77f285e
    Press Ctrl-C to exit
    ERROR:root:Error reading A_1_1.elf
    ERROR:root:Error reading A_0_1.elf
    ERROR:root:Error reading A_1_0.elf
    ERROR:root:Error reading A_0_0.elf
  • The SDK GUI currently displays the color values only in the range of 0-14 inclusive.

Version 0.2.1

Released 5 November 2021

This release adds usability improvements and fixes bugs encountered in the 0.2.0 debug tool CLIs. This release also adds compatibility with the Cerebras R0.9 Software Release, so the CS system hardware does not require re-imaging in order to use the SDK.

  • This SDK is supported only on Linux systems.

  • There are no guarantees for forward- or backward-compatibility for this release.

  • The SDK requires that the overlay filesystem functionality is available on your Linux system.

  • The SDK only supports running the versions of packages provided in the Singularity container.

  • If the CSL compiler aborts with the LLVM error message "PLEASE submit a bug report to and include the crash backtrace, preprocessed source, and associated run script." then do not report to but instead report the problem to Cerebras.

  • The visualizer tool will not display single-ended routes, i.e., routes where PE A transmits to PE B, but PE B is missing a receiving route, and vice-versa.

  • CSELFRunner supports single-node host only.

  • We are no longer actively supporting or maintaining the CASM and Spoke workflow of version 0.1.x. Migration of code to CSL is needed.

  • The following examples in the cslang/benchmarks directory of the SDK can be run only in simulation, and not on the CS system:

    • cslang/benchmarks/FFT

    • cslang/benchmarks/wide-multiplication

  • The cslang/benchmarks/FFT example incorrectly states “SUCCESS” on test completion.

  • To run the CSL examples on the CS-1 you must manually emit wavelet to terminate the runtime.

Version 0.2.0

Released 12 October 2021

  • This SDK is supported only on Linux systems.

  • There are no guarantees for forward- or backward-compatibility for this release.

  • The SDK 0.2.0 requires that the overlay filesystem functionality is available on your Linux system.

  • Hardware support for SDK 0.2.0 is limited to the CS-1.

  • The SDK does not support running external Python scripts in the Singularity container.

  • The SDK only supports running the versions of packages provided in the Singularity container.

  • The SDK 0.2.0 image for the CS-1 is incompatible with the Cerebras Graph Compiler (CGC) 0.9.0 image. Hence, the SDK system image must be loaded in order to run CSL programs on the CS-1 system.

  • The visualizer tool will not display single-ended routes, i.e., routes where PE A transmits to PE B, but PE B is missing a receiving route, and vice-versa.

  • CSELFRunner supports single-node host only.

  • The following examples in the cslang/benchmarks directory of the SDK can be run only in simulation, and not on the CS system:

    • cslang/benchmarks/FFT.

    • cslang/benchmarks/wide-multiplication.

Pre-release Version 0.2.0

Released 27 August 2021

  • Initial availability of the Pre-release 0.2.0 of the SDK documentation.