Libraries for WSE-3

This section documents CSL libraries that are only supported for WSE-3.


The message_passing library provides functions for point-to-point communication between PEs on the WSE-3 architecture.

By default, the library uses colors 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 for message passing. These colors may not be used for any other purpose while message passing is enabled.

The library consists of one module, imported into the PE program. When importing the library an input and output queue ID must be specified. Additionally, an optional boolean enable_asserts parameter may be set to true to enable runtime correctness checks on message legnth and destination.

const mp = @import_module("<message_passing>", .{ .enable_asserts = true,
                          .input_queue_id = 2, .output_queue_id = 3 });

The following functions and constants are provided by the library:

// Input and output queues used by the library, specified by
// the input_queue_id and output_queue_id parameters
const mp_input_queue: input_queue;
const mp_output_queue: output_queue;

// Routable color into which a receiver receives messages
const mp_comm_color: color;

// Initialize the message passing library
fn init();

// Send message of length len from buf to PE at (dest_col, dest_row)
fn send_message(dest_col: u16, dest_row: u16, buf: anytype, len: u16,
                comptime on_term: comptime_struct);

// Receive message into buffer buf
fn recv_message(buf: anytype, comptime on_term: comptime_struct);

init() initializes the library. This function must be called before sending or receiving any messages.

send_message launches a microthreaded operation that sends a message of a fixed length to another PE, and upon completion, either activates or unblocks a callback local task. It has the following arguments:

  • dest_col: the column ID of the receiving PE within the program rectangle.

  • dest_row: the row ID of the receiving PE within the program rectangle.

  • buf: pointer to an array with a 16-bit or 32-bit element type, i.e., i16, u16, f16, i32, u32, or f32.

  • len: number of elements to send. buf must point to at least len elements or the operation is undefined.

  • on_term: a comptime_struct of the form .{ .<ACTION> = <ID> }, where ACTION is an activate or unblock performed at the end of the microthreaded send operation, and ID is a task or queue ID to be activated or unblocked. Passing {} indicates no termination behavior is desired.

recv_message launches a microthreaded operation that receives a message sent from another PE, and upon completion, either activates or unblocks a callback to a local task. It has the following arguments:

  • buf: pointer to an array with a 16-bit or 32-bit element type, i.e., i16, u16, f16, i32, u32, or f32.

  • action: specifies whether to unblock or activate the callback.

  • on_term: a comptime_struct of the form .{ .<ACTION> = <ID> }, where ACTION is an activate or unblock performed at the end of the microthreaded receive operation, and ID is a task or queue ID to be activated or unblocked. Passing {} indicates no termination behavior is desired.

The length of the received message is determined by the message header added to the message when it is sent. buf must point to an array large enough to store the received message.

A message can also be received using a data_task bound to mp_input_queue. The last wavelet in a message, which has a control bit set, will NOT be received by the data_task. If the sender sends a message of length N, the receiver’s data_task will receive the header, followed by N-1 elements of the message. Thus, the sender must pad the sent message with one additional wavelet at the end in this case.


The tile_config library contains APIs related to the hardware configuration of a PE. This section documents the submodules of the tile_config library that are only supported for WSE-3. For more information about the tile_config library in general see <tile_config>.


This submodule of tile_config contains APIs that allow us to read and modify the queue flush status register. This register can tell us whether the @queue_flush (see @queue_flush) builtin operation has been executed and the respective queue has been flushed (i.e., it is now empty).

// Reset the status of the queue flush status register that corresponds
// to `qid`. Depending on the type of `qid` this could be the input or
// output queue flush status register.
fn exit(comptime qid : anytype) void

// Return the value of the "input queue flush status" register.
fn iq_status() reg_type

// Return the value of the "output queue flush status" register.
fn oq_status() reg_type

// Given a value that represents the "queue flush status" register, which
// has 1 bit per queue indicating the ones that have been flushed, return
// `true` iff the queue id `q` has been flushed.
fn is_flushed(value: reg_type, comptime qid: anytype) bool