GEMV Tutorial 4: Parameters
GEMV Tutorial 4: Parameters¶
We’ve written a complete program that copies data to and from the
device, but both our host and device still need to define the
dimensions M
and N
Now we introduce compile time parameters to set M
and N
while compiling our code, and show how our host code can read
these values from the compile output.
Learning objectives¶
After completing this tutorial, you should know how to:
Define compile time parameters for your device code
Set the value of compile time parameters when compiling
Read the value of compile time parameters from compile output in your host code
Example overview¶
Our program will run on a single processing element (PE). Like the previous tutorials, we will demonstrate the program with a simulated fabric consisting of an 8 x 3 block of PEs.
Our problem steps are identical to the previous tutorial.
We need to modify our device code to replace the constants
and N
with parameters, and modify our compile
command to set these parameter values.
Our host code must be modified to read these values from
compile output.
Modifying the CSL¶
How must we modify our layout code to support compile time parmeters
for M
and N
We need to define top level parameters for
that will be set by the compile commandWe need to pass these parameters along to our PE program
Let’s take a look at the modified layout.csl
param M: i16;
param N: i16;
const memcpy = @import_module("<memcpy/get_params>", .{ .width = 1, .height = 1 });
layout {
@set_rectangle(1, 1);
@set_tile_code(0, 0, "pe_program.csl", .{
.memcpy_params = memcpy.get_params(0),
.M = M,
.N = N
// export symbol names
@export_name("A", [*]f32, true);
@export_name("x", [*]f32, true);
@export_name("b", [*]f32, true);
@export_name("y", [*]f32, false);
@export_name("init_and_compute", fn()void);
Notice that we’ve defined two parameters at the top of the file:
param M: i16;
param N: i16;
Additionally, we pass these parameters along to our PE program inside of
our @set_tile_code
@set_tile_code(0, 0, "pe_program.csl", .{
.memcpy_params = memcpy.get_params(0),
.M = M,
.N = N
Now let’s take a look at the modified pe_program.csl
param memcpy_params: comptime_struct;
// Matrix dimensions
param M: i16;
param N: i16;
// memcpy module provides infrastructure for copying data
// and launching functions from the host
const sys_mod = @import_module("<memcpy/memcpy>", memcpy_params);
// 48 kB of global memory contain A, x, b, y
var A: [M*N]f32; // A is stored row major
var x: [N]f32;
var b: [M]f32;
var y = @zeros([M]f32); // Initialize y to zero
// DSDs for accessing A, b, y
// A_dsd accesses column of A
var A_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{ .tensor_access = |i|{M} -> A[i*N] });
var b_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{ .base_address = &b, .extent = M });
var y_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{ .base_address = &y, .extent = M });
// ptrs to A, x, b, y will be advertised as symbols to host
var A_ptr: [*]f32 = &A;
var x_ptr: [*]f32 = &x;
var b_ptr: [*]f32 = &b;
const y_ptr: [*]f32 = &y;
// Compute gemv
fn gemv() void {
// Loop over all columns of A
for (@range(i16, N)) |i| {
// Calculate contribution to A*x from ith column of A, ith elem of x
@fmacs(y_dsd, y_dsd, A_dsd, x[i]);
// Move A_dsd to next column of A
A_dsd = @increment_dsd_offset(A_dsd, 1, f32);
// Add b to A*x
@fadds(y_dsd, y_dsd, b_dsd);
// Call initialize and gemv functions
fn init_and_compute() void {
comptime {
@export_symbol(A_ptr, "A");
@export_symbol(x_ptr, "x");
@export_symbol(b_ptr, "b");
@export_symbol(y_ptr, "y");
must also contain parameter declarations for M
and N
When this file is compiled, it uses the values passed to it by layout.csl
call to bind them.
and N
are no longer hard-coded in this file.
Compiling and running the program¶
We’ve shown how the device and host code use the compile time
parameters, but how do we set them?
Our compile command now includes a --params
flag, which
specifies the values:
$ cslc layout.csl --fabric-dims=8,3 --fabric-offsets=4,1 --params=M:4,N:6 --memcpy --channels=1 -o out
$ cs_python --name out
We use the same command to run.
You should see a SUCCESS!
message at the end of execution.
is stored row-major in the above code.
How would you rewrite A_dsd
and the gemv
if A
were stored column major instead?
We’ve gone over some basics for writing a complete program using a single PE. Now let’s move on to using multiple PEs.